PELL - Petro Equipment Logistics Limited
PELL stands for Petro Equipment Logistics Limited
Here you will find, what does PELL stand for in Firm under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Petro Equipment Logistics Limited? Petro Equipment Logistics Limited can be abbreviated as PELL What does PELL stand for? PELL stands for Petro Equipment Logistics Limited. What does Petro Equipment Logistics Limited mean?The Nigeria based company is located in Ajah, Lagos engaged in oil & energy industry.
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Alternative definitions of PELL
- Prime Engineering Lanka Limited
- Peter Edwards Law Limited
- PE Latina Labellers
- Premier Exports London Ltd
View 5 other definitions of PELL on the main acronym page
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- PAM Phillip Asset Management
- PCSTA Pima County Sports and Tourism Authority
- PEC Post Exchange Catering
- PHNL Peter Harrison Nigeria Limited
- PRTH Park Road Timber and Hardware
- PME Parker Marine Enterprises
- PF The Present Finder
- PMET Prime Middle East Technology
- PPG Prospect Property Group
- PAVI PA Vascular Institute
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- PEL Protest Es Ltd
- PBA Pan Brothers Associates